studio|bio |
Can Yalman Design is a leading edge consumer product design consultancy providing a combination of innovative design and practical problem solving. We provide design services from concept creation to product development and manufacturing services. Good design is a life philosophy that affects the user, the manufacturer and the next generation, |
we strive for responsible design through research, understanding and technology implementation. Working in collaboration with our clients we provide concept development, design management, 3-D industrial design, marine and automotive design, mechanical engineering, interaction design, graphic design, virtual prototyping, and part for manufacture services. |
Can Yalman Biography |
1967 Istanbul
Resides: IstanbulEducation: Product and Furniture Design, Parsons School of Design/New York Works for: Numarine, Hisar, RocaKale, Çanakkale Seramik, Arçelik, IYI, GarantiOffice/Studio: Can Yalman DesignAwards 2010 EDIDA Floor Covering
2009 EDIDA Designer of the year
2009 Red Dot Product Design Award Winner: Orientile Series
2009 Wools of New Zealand Rug Design Award
2008 Design Turkey Award
2008 EDIDA Wall Covering
2007 ID Magazine Design Distinction Award
2007 EDIDA Bathroom
2007 EDIDA Wall Covering
2006 EDIDA Kitchen
2006 Turkish Society of Industrial Designers (ETMK) Award
2005 European Yachts Trophy
2004 European Yachts Trophy
2001 Design Explorations Award
Steelcase Mondo Materialis Award
1999 LG Electronic Design Competition
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